Complaint #202200413, January 2022

Incident: January 13, 2022
Received: January 21, 2022
Closed: June 6, 2023

Reason for contact: CV already in custody
Location: Street/highway
In NYPD 103rd Precinct Queens
Outcome: Arrest - other violation/crime

Witness Officers: Justin Caliguri, Daniel Efinger, Robert Gilhooly, Gregory Gromling, Brian Lyons, Timothy Merrick, Patrick Scudiero, Marlene Taveras
Officer: Jata, John
Complainant: Black Male, 35-39
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Strip-searched
CCRB Conclusion: Within NYPD Guidelines
Officer: Gasperetti, Daniel
Complainant: Black Male, 35-39
Allegation: Force: Chokehold
CCRB Conclusion: Unable to Determine
Officer: Greaney, Kevin
Complainant: Black Male, 35-39
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Strip-searched
CCRB Conclusion: Unfounded
Officer: Jata, John
Complainant: Black Male, 35-39
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Vehicle search
CCRB Conclusion: Within NYPD Guidelines
Officer Complainant Allegation CCRB Conclusion
Jata, John Black Male, 35-39 Abuse of Authority: Strip-searched Within NYPD Guidelines
Gasperetti, Daniel Black Male, 35-39 Force: Chokehold Unable to Determine
Greaney, Kevin Black Male, 35-39 Abuse of Authority: Strip-searched Unfounded
Jata, John Black Male, 35-39 Abuse of Authority: Vehicle search Within NYPD Guidelines

Conclusion Meanings:

'Unable to Determine': CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.
'Unfounded': Evidence suggests that the event or alleged conduct did not occur.
'Within NYPD Guidelines': The alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD's own rules, which often give officers significant discretion.

Further details on conclusion definitions.