John P. Epstein

Badge #4139, White Male
Former Sergeant at 111th Precinct
Service started July 2003, ended June 2023, Tax #932101

Lawsuit settlements:
$60,000   Vale, Jason vs City of New York, et al., 2018 SDNY SDNY 18CV01866
View Details


3 Complaints
6 Allegations
0 Substantiated
4 Alleged Victim Uncooperative
2 Unsubstantiated

Complaint #201213013, October 2012
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest
Complainant: Asian Male, 28
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
additional details

Complaint #201111360, March 2011
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest
Complainant: Male, 31
CCRB Conclusion: Unsubstantiated
additional details

Complaint #200802317, February 2008
Allegation: Force: Physical force
Complainant: Male, 55
CCRB Conclusion: Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical)
Complainant: Male, 55
CCRB Conclusion: Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Allegation: Offensive Language: Religion
Complainant: Male, 55
CCRB Conclusion: Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Allegation: Discourtesy: Word
Complainant: Male, 55
CCRB Conclusion: Alleged Victim Uncooperative
additional details

Complaint #201213013, October 2012
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest Asian Male, 28 Unsubstantiated
additional details
Complaint #201111360, March 2011
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Threat of arrest Male, 31 Unsubstantiated
additional details
Complaint #200802317, February 2008
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Force: Physical force Male, 55 Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Abuse of Authority: Threat of force (verbal or physical) Male, 55 Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Offensive Language: Religion Male, 55 Alleged Victim Uncooperative
Discourtesy: Word Male, 55 Alleged Victim Uncooperative
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Unsubstantiated': or 'Unable to Determine' - CCRB has fully investigated but could not affirmatively conclude both that the conduct occurred and that it broke the rules.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Named in 2 known lawsuits, $60,000 total settlements.

Luzon, Gaby vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 526561/2023, Supreme Court - Kings, September 14, 2023

Vale, Jason vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 18CV01866, U.S. District Court - Southern District NY, June 19, 2018, ended March 12, 2020
$60,000 Settlement
Description: On March 2, 2017, around 8:30pm, Mr. Jason Vale was arrested at Long Island Jewish Medical Center in Queens. NYPD Officer Casey Thomas arrested Mr. Vale. Mr. Vale was then shackled to his hospital bed for 20 before he was finally arraigned on March 22, 2017, and released on his own recognizance. Both of Mr. Vale's legs and one of his arms were shacked to the hospital bed, causing him discomfort and pain. While Mr. Vale was shacked to his bed, he was guarded by different NYPD Officers. Even though the NYPD, the Queens County District Attorney's Office, and the Long Island Jewish Medical Center have procedures that provide for hospital bedside arraignments, Mr. Vale was not arraigned within 24 hours as is require...