Abbas A. Kymin

Abbas A. Kymin

Abbas A. Kymin
Badge #2620, Asian Male
Detective Grade 3 at Internal Affairs Bureau since April 2018
Service started January 2014, made $142,000 last year, Tax #956031


Named in 2 known lawsuits.

Ransom, Christopher vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 15CV06149, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, November 17, 2015, ended April 7, 2016
Zero Disposition
Description: Plaintiff was standing in the corner with his hands in his pocket, not doing anything, when he was approached by two cops asking him to take out his hands, when he refused due to not doing anything illegal, one of the cops grabbed him from behind, plaintiff then backed into a store that was close to where he was standing. The cops blocked the entrance and called for back up, once backup arrived, they went in with guns drawn. Plaintiff put his arms up and kneel on the floor, form which the cops pushed his face to the floor and put knee on his back. He was searched and his private parts were grabbed. He was taken to the 79th precinct despite his request for medical care, then taken to a psych ward where he spent ...

Elliott-Owens, Denise as Adm of Owens, Na'im (deceased) vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 15CV04751, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, August 18, 2015, ended April 17, 2019
Zero Disposition
Complaint, Amended Complaint
Description: After public outcry over his brother death in 2007 at the hands of police, Naim Owens was repeatedly harassed by NYPD officers. In 2014, Naim himself was shot at 18 times by police officers at hit in the torso. He died a week later because of the wound. Plaintiff alleges that not only did the police lie and say that Naim was armed when he was shot, but that they also interfered with his physical recovery.