Jeremy V. Lorenzorivera

Badge #13443, Hispanic Male
Service started October 2017, made $44,800 last year, Tax #964622


Fernandez, Barbara, et Al vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 21CV00680, U.S. District Court - Southern District NY, February 9, 2021
Description: On or about March 13, 2019, Defendants Officers Lorenzorivera and NYPD Doe showed up to Plaintiff's house unannounced and without any stated reason and asked Plaintiff how her daughter, Z.F., was doing. Defendants requested to enter Plaintiff's home, which she allowed and then walked around and asked to speak with Plaintiff's children, Z.F. and E.F., which plaintiff also allowed. Defendants questioned the children for about 10 minutes without Plaintiff present and refused to inform Plaintiff why they were doing so, which led to Plaintiff's anxiety and her crying profusely. After this, approximately ten or more NYPD officer DOES arrived at Plaintiff's home and told Plaintiff that they would remain in her home un...