William F. Brown

Badge #17981, White Male
Service started July 2013, made $86,100 last year, Tax #954574

Lawsuit settlements:
$29,501   Tucker, Anthony vs City of New York, et al., 2016 SDNY SDNY 16CV03176
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Tucker, Anthony vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 16CV03176, U.S. District Court - Southern District NY, May 2, 2016, ended May 3, 2017
$29,501 Settlement
Description: On Friday, August 28, 2015, plaintiff was speaking to a friend outside of a barber shop when an unmarked police car pulled up and Officer Raymond Ortiz and Lieutenant Washington Zurita approached plaintiff. Ofc. Ortiz instructed plaintiff to "move along." Plaintiff asked why, and Ofc. Ortiz said "because I said so." Plaintiff expressed concern with that response, and Ofc. Ortiz then said that people had called the police. He said that plaintiff would be "locked up" if he did not move. Without further warning, Ofc. Ortiz handcuffed and arrested plaintiff. He applied the handcuffs so tightly that plaintiff was in pain. He could not stand or sit up straight because the handcuffs were so tight. Lt. Zurita, Ofc. Go...