Kevin Wahlig

Badge #16651, White Male
Former Police Officer at Military and Extended Leave Desk
Also served at 13th Precinct
Service started January 2007, ended November 2016, Tax #944194

Lawsuit settlements:
$5,000   Jackson, Cedric vs City of New York, et al., 2012 NYCSC NYCSC 158429/2012
View Details


2 Complaints
2 Allegations
0 Substantiated
1 Complainant Uncooperative
1 Exonerated

Complaint #201604047, April 2016
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched
CCRB Conclusion: Exonerated
additional details

Complaint #201311483, December 2013
Allegation: Abuse of Authority: Stop
Complainant: Asian Female
CCRB Conclusion: Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Complaint #201604047, April 2016
Allegation CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Premises entered and/or searched Exonerated
additional details
Complaint #201311483, December 2013
Allegation Complainant CCRB Conclusion
Abuse of Authority: Stop Asian Female Complainant Uncooperative
additional details

Conclusion Meanings:

'Exonerated': or 'Within NYPD Guidelines' - the alleged conduct occurred but did not violate the NYPD's own rules, which often give officers significant discretion.

Further details on conclusion definitions.


Case: 2014-12012
Opened: 11/5/2014
Closed: 5/26/2015
Case Details:
  1. Guilty: Officer had multiple inappropriate contacts with a person known to the Department while his New York county criminal case was pending
  2. Guilty: Failed to report an allegation to the Internal Affairs Bureau after failing to properly safeguard United States currency
  3. Guilty: Failed to promptly voucher and safeguard personal property by failing to immediately prepare a property clerk's invoice for property, then misplaced property, and did not voucher property until it was found
  4. Guilty: Failed to prepare a property clerk's invoice and vehicle seizure form for a prisoner's vehicle that was driven to the vicinity of the officer's command and wrongfully released prisoner's vehicle to a third party without the approval of the precinct desk officer
  5. Dismissed: Failed to properly safeguard his activity log, resulting in its loss and failed to report the loss of his activity log to the desk officer.
Penalty: Forfeiture of twenty-five (25) vacation days


Named in 2 known lawsuits, $5,000 total settlements.

Torres, Wilfredo vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 16CV02362, U.S. District Court - Southern District NY, July 7, 2016, ended March 31, 2021
Zero Disposition
Description: NYPD Officers and landlord broke down the plaintiffs door and entered into his apartment without a warrant or other legal justification on September 28, 2015. He was detained and questioned, and his apartment was searched. Then on April 26, 2016, firefighters and EMS broke down his door again without cause and NYPD officers handcuffed the plaintiff and forcefully hospitalized him.

Jackson, Cedric vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 158429/2012, Supreme Court - New York, December 18, 2012, ended July 29, 2019
$5,000 Settlement

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