Diane Guillaume

Diane Guillaume

Diane Guillaume
Badge #2967, Black Female
Sergeant at 103rd Precinct since September 2023
Also served at US Open Tennis Detail, 73rd Precinct
Service started July 2009, made $160,000 last year, Tax #948216


Case: 2023-28681
Closed: 1/4/2024
Case Details:
  1. Pleaded Guilty: Failed to notify.
  2. Pleaded Guilty: Failed to conduct an investigation.
  3. Pleaded Guilty: Failed to activate her body worn camera.
  4. Pleaded Guilty: Failure to submit reports. (activity log)..

Case: 2011-3977
Opened: 7/27/2011
Closed: 8/16/2012
Case Details:
  1. Guilty: Improperly used a passcode assigned to another Member of Service to utilize a Department computer to access Department records for personal reasons
Penalty: Forfeiture of ten (10) vacation days


Hepburn, Oswald vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 21CV04158, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, July 29, 2021
Description: On May 2, 2020, Plaintiff Oswald Hepburn was standing outside his sister's residence when NYPD officers were called to a nearby location to disperse a crowd. After Plaintiff's sister complained about the treatment of people in the crowd within earshot of NYPD officers from her doorway, Defendant Officers Lt. Bobo, Sgt. Musa, PO Aponte, and John Doe 1-4 rushed towards the home. Plaintiff was standing outside, and Lt. Bobo immediately grabbed him. Lt. Bobo, Sgt. Musa, PO Aponte, PO Chekalin, and John Doe 1-4 then forcefully threw Plaintiff on the ground, and then Sgt. Musa tased Plaintiff on the neck. Officers kept Plaintiff's arms pinned behind his back and brutally assaulted him. In an attempt to dissuade the o...

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