William Kwok

William Kwok

William Kwok
Badge #4730, Asian Male
Detective Specialist at Community Affairs Bureau Community Outreach Division since February 2019
Service started July 2012, made $114,000 last year, Tax #952957


Case: 2015-14574
Closed: 6/29/2016
Case Details:
  1. Guilty: While off-duty, failed to safeguard his Department firearm by leaving it unattended in a public bathroom and failed to report said loss.
  2. Guilty: While on-duty, failed to assign a non-emergency call that he received and failed to enter said call in the telephone dispatch log, as required.
  3. Guilty: Failed to safeguard his Department radio and failed to report said loss to his Commanding Officer or prepare a complaint report with the Internal Affairs Bureau.
Penalty: Vacation days (25 days)