Jennifer Mackey

Badge #4286, White Female
Former Police Officer at Patrol Borough Brooklyn South
Service ended September 2015, Tax #955109


Stewart, Denise, et al. vs City of New York, et al.
Case # 15CV05811, U.S. District Court - Eastern District NY, October 14, 2015
Description: On the evening of July 13, 2014, plaintiffs were in their apartment at 9720 Kings Highway in Brooklyn, when defendant police officer Matteo violently pushed in the front door and burst into the apartment, despite plaintiffs denying consent and being in their underwear. Defendant police officers did not have a warrant. Defendant police officer Mackey unreasonably deployed pepper spray, causing plaintiffs substantial injury. Defendant Matteo dragged plaintiff Denise Stewart out of the apartment, causing her towel to fall off exposing her upper body. In the hallway outside the apartment, defendant Matteo threw plaintiff Denise Stewart face-first against a wall and handcuffed her behind her back, causing subst...